Judicial and administrative officials of MP made exchange visits to procuratorial services of Guangdong Province (2024-07-25)

Judicial and administrative officials of MP made exchange visits to procuratorial services of Guangdong Province

On 11 and 12 July 2024, a delegation of 14 members of the Public Prosecutions Office, led by the Chief of Office of the Prosecutor General, Mr. Tam Peng Tong, traveled to Guangdong Province to visit the local Procuratorates and met with the Public Prosecutor General of Procuratorate of Guangdong Province, Mr. Feng Jian. Discussion sessions were conducted in the meeting with the Public Prosecutor General of the Procuratorate of Guangzhou City, Mr. Zhang Jian, and the Public Prosecutor General of the Procuratorate of Zhuhai City, Mr. Zhang Helin. During the visit, in depth discussions were conducted, covering topics such as the electronic prosecutorial services, cyber security and administrative activities of judicial bodies.

During their stay at the Procuratorate of Guangzhou City, the delegation visited the History Museum and the Study and Development Centre, and had the opportunity to learn about the development of work related to the case management, electronic of public prosecution services and cyber security through discussion and exchanges.

At the Zhuhai City Procuratorate, the delegation visited the “12309 Procuratorate Service Center”, Case Management Room, Electronic Data Laboratory and “One-stop” Case Handling Area for Minors, etc. Through dialogues, the participants learned about operation and effectiveness of the “Zhuhai Satellite Remote Sensing Legal Supervision Model System”, as well as practical experience in digital inspection and electronic inspection.
