Exchanges on Anti-Corruption Financial Investigation between Hong Kong ICAC and MP (2024-01-17)

Exchanges on Anti-Corruption Financial Investigation between Hong Kong ICAC and MP

On 12 January 2024, the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) invited representatives of the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) to exchange views with us in Macao on financial investigation in the anti-corruption field. With an overview of relevant mechanisms and case studies, ICAC introduced practical experiences regarding modus operandi and investigation of money laundering, identifying and tracking criminal proceeds, regulatory regimes for virtual assets and its relationship with criminal proceeds. The sharing allowed MP members to learn from the precious experiences of ICAC and fostered communications and cooperation between the two agencies.

ICAC speakers and delegates included Assistant Director of the Operations Department, Tang Chi-kong; Chief Investigator, Cheung Suk-yee; Senior Investigator, Yeung Chun-yin; Forensic Accountant, Chan Chui-yiu; Chief Investigator, Yip Wing-kwong; Senior Computer Forensics Director, Chow Tak-yeung; Senior Investigator, Wan Chui-lee; and Chief Investigator, Mok Wing-yin. As for MP, Prosecutor General, Ip Son Sang, prosecutors, managerial and legal staff participated in the activity.
