2017 Training Course for Magistrates (2017-08-09)

2017 Training Course for Magistrates

Upon invitation of the Public Prosecutions Office of the Macao SAR, Professors Guo Yunzhong, Miao Shuquan and Sheng Haiping of the National Prosecutors College of the People’s Republic of China visited Macao and taught the judicial training course for magistrates and judicial staff of the Public Prosecutions Office between 25th and 27th July.

Theoretical research findings and practical judicial experience concerning evidence gathering and evaluation, work-related crimes and legal reasoning on conviction in the Chinese Mainland were introduced during the course. Professors and students also exchanged views on judicial work of the two places.

Professor Guo Yuzhong of the National Prosecutors College of the People’s Republic of China, magistrates and judicial staff of the Public Prosecutions Office of the Macao SAR exchanged ideas
