
Prosecutorial Office at the Primary Court

The duties of the Prosecutorial Office at the Primary Court include: monitoring trial procedures in terms of legality - which duty is fulfilled by proving indictments of criminal cases in courts; expediting court procedures of certain civil cases, and representing workers and their families in labour proceedings, etc.

  • It supports criminal indictments in court and ensures that trials proceed in accordance with law;
  • It determines whether to lodge appeals with the Court of Second Instance against verdicts and rulings of criminal cases, and submits written replies to other litigants’ appeals;
  • It represents the Macao SAR, public legal persons, the incapacitated and the missing in civil cases;
  • It brings forward civil proceedings on behalf of workers to recover labour debts and to claim damages incurred by work injuries and occupational diseases in accordance with law;
  • It represents minors in guardianship, adoption, custody and inheritance cases;
  • It promotes and participates in the correctional education of young offenders; and
  • It takes part in bankruptcy and insolvency judicial litigations.

Assistant Prosecutor General and Prosecutors at the Prosecutorial Office at the Primary Court
Assistant Prosecutor General: Cheng Lap Fok
Prosecutors Coordinators: Kuok Kin Hong, Tam I Kuan, Chong Lao Sin, Leong Weng Si, Sio In Ha
Prosecutors: Leong Man Ieng, Chan Seak Hou, Leong Vai Cheng, Cheang Weng In, Sam Kim Kuong, Lao Oi Si, Chao Chi Peng, Cheng Hoi Fung, Ho I Sut, Chong Sio U, Ling Lee Celina, Chiang Pak Seng

Note:  Prosecutor coordinator Leong Weng Si and Prosecutor Chao Chi Peng serve at both the Prosecutorial Office at the Primary Court and the Prosecutorial Office at the Administrative Court.

Reception and general inquiry of the Prosecutorial Office at the Primary Court
Address: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, no. 47-53, The Macau Square, 3rd floor, Macau


Civil and Labour Matters
Address: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, no. 47-53, The Macau Square, 3rd floor and 15th floor, Macau
Tel: 2855 7714
Fax: 2833 9501


Criminal Matters
Address: Avenida Doutor Stanley Ho, no. 347, Edifício dos Juízos Criminais do Tribunal Judicial de Base, 1st floor, Macau
Tel: 2855 7714
Fax: 2853 2441


Meeting a prosecutor
For any legal questions involved with cases, the public may schedule for legal advice service upon producing identification documents in person to the reception and general enquiry counter of the Prosecutorial Office at the Primary Court. Our staff will reply to the enquiries or arrange a meeting with a prosecutor on duty for you.