
The Prosecutorial Office at the Administrative Court

The Prosecutorial Office at the Administrative Court takes part in administrative, taxation and customs litigations as the Administrative Court is the first instance tribunal specializing in administrative proceedings. The Administrative Proceedings Code stipulates that the Public Prosecutions Office shall play active roles in all types of administrative litigations through preparing written comments on whether disputed administrative acts are legitimate and whether the plaintiffs stand on firm grounds.  

Prosecutors at the Prosecutorial Office at the Administrative Court
Prosecutors Coordinators :  Leong Weng Si, Cheong Kuok Chi
Address: Avenida da Praia Grande, no. 517, Edifício Comercial Nam Tung, 22nd floor, Block A, Macau
Tel: 2833 0963
Fax: 2837 3824

Note:  Two prosecutors coordinators serve at both of the Prosecutorial Office at the Primary Court and the Prosecutorial Office at the Administrative Court.